Hi, I am Shreyas, I am a 10th grader and just celebrated my 15th birthday after being back to school. While taking my 9th-grade virtual classes during the Corona crisis, I was left with some introspection time to wonder about the world around me. For the first time, I started appreciating whatever science, surroundings, people, ideas, and possibilities I have known so far. The time allowed me to pause and ponder over what is happening around me, how and why it happens so, how I perceive and understand it, how I enjoy, learn, and share these experiences with others. What fascinates me the most is that we all are part of this exploration journey – some ahead of us, some together, and some who have yet to start.

My mom took this picture about 11 years back when she first tried experimenting with her SLR and would use Photoshop features and filters on all my pictures. I find it so appropriate here. The world is endless. There are immense possibilities and areas to discover. If Isaac Newton considered himself only a child picking up pebbles while the vast ocean remained undiscovered before him, then, where am I??? Am I even born 😊?
Why this Blog?
I am on a journey of exploring and understanding the world around me. My page is an attempt to delve into knowing and appreciating anything that helps me grow as a human being. Be it the science in everyday life or natural phenomena around me, be it a present-day problem or a future dream, be it the lessons learned from history or the new possibilities in coming years, I want to pen down how I perceive things today and share with the world. I also hope to see contributions from the experienced, views, and ideas from anyone who is passionate about sharing thoughts. With each added page of this blog, I want to learn, unlearn, and re-learn and see what these perceptions and learnings shape into in the years to come (I wonder what it would be like to revisit an article that I write today after 5-10 years!!).
My blogs are my views and understanding of subjects that capture my interest. Through them, I want to learn, experiment and deduce. I hope someday I have a better understanding of the world around me and I am hopeful of coming across endless amounts of interesting information and experiences.